
Meet our new Campaigns and Community Organiser

14th May 2024

Meet Christine, our latest team member, Christine Stephens, Campaigns and Community Organiser. We are delighted to welcome Christine who joined the Hope4 team on 1st May.

“When I saw the advertisement for this role on the Charity Jobs website and I read all about how Hope 4 started, I knew instantly that it would be an absolute privilege to be part of this fantastic team. I wear my Foodbank fleece with pride and all I can say is that I feel truly blessed to become part of the Hope4 and Foodbank Team.

I have over thirty years of experience working with people, children and families in a variety of roles including: Youth Worker, Nursery Nurse, Homeless & Addiction Support, Safeguarding Lead, Tenancy Support, Temporary Accommodation Officer with Cherwell District Council, Counselling and therapeutic support for women who have experienced trauma, and Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator in Oxfordshire.

I am passionate about delivering interventions that support positive life outcomes for people. I have issued over 150 foodbank vouchers in Oxfordshire, and I am always amazed by the wonderful work that Foodbank Volunteers do and the difference they make to people’s lives.

The role of Campaigns and Community Organiser is completely new.  I will be working across the Trussell Trust Foodbanks in Warwickshire, identifying the underlying causes that mean that people need to access emergency food. This information will form the ideas for what issues we need to campaign on, to bring about relevant and effective changes that will prevent people from having to rely on a food bank. Together with Hope4 and other local services we will bring together those who are affected by some kind of social injustice and create opportunities for their voices to be heard. Campaigning is all about empowering people to bring about change. This is really exciting work and if you are interested and would like to know more or lend your support to a campaign please don’t hesitate to get in touch – [email protected]

I would like to Thank Everyone for their warm welcome and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible over the coming weeks.”

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